-- the background & purpose for this website --
Like the bulk of people who are paying attention, I grew uneasy at the approach of the November 3, 2020 presidential election. There was a smugness among certain Democrats that just did not comport with the crash-test-dummy level of competence of their presidential candidate and his farcical campaign. Based on the enthusiasm factor alone, this election was headed toward a blow-out for Donald Trump. Returns and reports on the evening of November 3 reinforced confidence in his election. But then the mysterious events began to happen that are now well-known: simultaneously stopped voting in key states, late counting of an amazing number of ballots, reports coming in from all over of widespread irregularities. Thanks to an army of real American patriots, it is all now being documented and on the way to being fully exposed. Joe Biden is not the duly-elected President of the United States. Donald Trump is, and this must be rectified.
On top of that I was watching the proceedings of congress live on C-Span on January 6 when the disruption began to happen. I continued watching a variety of live TV news coverage of the whole event. My impression then was that a vastly peaceful crowd had a few very suspect instigators making something of a ruckus at the Capitol entrance and were clearly being accommodated by the Capitol Police, even moving barricades in what looked like permission being given to move closer. Live coverage by C-Span showed very peaceful people strolling through the capitol halls. Except for the breaking of windows by a few people who ought to be charged and held responsible, there wasn't a hint of violent attitudes or actions. Blatant stupidity, yes, but nothing to compare to the BLM/Antifa riots that were encouraged and permitted to go on for months.
The second I heard the Democrats and media start using terms like 'insurrection' and 'uprising', I knew what had happened. There was a massive plan at work that not only accomplished a sophisticated steal of the election, but set up a psy-ops plan creating a narrative that Trump was lying about the steal and inciting a popular revolt. The Democrats were so proud of this grand game plan that within a month they published nearly a full expose about it in Time magazine.
At first I was heartened by comments from highly credible people like Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Steve Bannon, John Fredericks, Mike Lindell and a chorus of others who were calling for a time-out because of the fraud that was already obvious. It looked like constitutional and legislative steps were being mounted with good energy. However, as courts began to slap away challenges without even hearing the evidence, and as national and state REPUBLICAN officials took the first opportunity to cave in to this fraud and turn their back on President Trump, I knew we were in big trouble. Suddenly I understood the freakish reaction Hillary had to her loss to Donald Trump in 2014. They had assured her that the fix was in then as well, but Trump's victory overwhelmed their plan. The Democrats had subsequently spent four years making sure they could pull this off no matter what, and even then Donald's momentum was so strong that it blew the circuits in their plan, which is why the vote counting had to be called off in the middle of the night. This is what exposed the fraud and has laid the groundwork for a massive state-by-state forensic audit movement to arise.
I am just an average citizen, but I am one who has paid close attention to political, social and cultural issues for many years. Never have I seen such a situation arise in our country where there was so blatantly an attempt not only to steal an election, but to set up an election fraud system whereby every future election could be secured for the one party. This is as devastating to our nation in its own way as an early-warning alert of a nuclear attack. Red flags and alarm bells started going off for me all over the place. Out of complete frustration I sent a five-page letter to my congressman, with whom I am acquainted, something I have never done before. I have also stayed riveted to Steve Bannon's WarRoom. He and his team took up the charge to lay open this fraud and mount a counter-attack. In my opinion, while many sources out there are trying to do something in their own way, the WarRoom emerged as the ONLY source that was effectively uniting, activating and empowering these voices and those of thousands of patriots throughout the country who have answered the call to step into this battle.
After listening to the WarRoom for awhile, along with a few other sources I check regularly, I realized that I needed a way to collect all the great connections that I was being introduced to. I started bookmarking websites, articles and podcasts. Eventually it occurred to me that it would be good to have a website that wouldn't be another organization but would be a place to list and organize organizations, podcast, news sources, etc. So that is what StreetLevelRepublican.com is designed to be.
Since the U.S. constitution was established on March 4, 1789, we have elected and entrusted a small body of officials to deliberate and make wise decisions in the best interest of the country. Whether that trust has been honored and maintained by our leaders has to be seriously questioned given the mess in which we currently find ourselves. We have expected them to do their jobs so we can carry on doing ours. A few have stood heroically for constitutional principles. Way too many have let the globalist, collectivist elite get a hook in their nose and lead them down paths that have undermined our national sovereignty and security. We have come to a point where our Republic is endangered on multiple fronts.
If we are going to repair and maintain a properly functioning Constitutional Republic -- the most freedom-producing form of government known to the human race -- then we need to win masses of voters and voices to the cause which is being led by conservative, populist, nationalist Constitutional Republicans. This movement was initiated and galvanized by President Trump.
In just four years Donald Trump had this nation on an upswing trajectory that was gaining tremendous momentum toward solving our nation's problems. For some force or forces behind the scenes, it was paramount at all costs for Trump's successes to be stopped and our nation plunged into a mind-boggling, stupefying self-destruct mode, plain for all the world to see: unrestrained illegal immigrant invasion, Middle East conflict, destroying our economy by paying people to sit at home, Covid lockdowns, Afghanistan cut-and-run abandonment, caving in to China's intimidation, attempts at legislation for unrestrained government spending, taxing, national vote-rigging, and on and on.
The obvious question is, WHY? Who would willingly want to see our country humiliated and destroyed like this? Obviously the Democrat Party is the instrument at work, but can this really be their desire, or is there an even darker agenda operating behind and through them? The populist/nationalist movement intends to find out and stop it. We are not going to let the 3 November coup d'état stand without furious resistance. The 2020 fraudulent election must be overturned as the first order of importance, with President Trump and all other duly-elected officials restored immediately to their rightfully elected offices.
If the guys in the marble-clad buildings of this nation are not going to man their stations with enough principles and courage to take on this mission, then it is left to the common citizen to do the same kind of house-cleaning that our fore-fathers did beginning in 1776. The time has come for regular, everyday citizens of this Republic to restore the integrity and common sense that apparently is only understood at the street level where we live.
This website will give you many resources to help you find your place in this mission, but the TOP RECOMMENDED RESOURCE IS STEVE BANNON'S WARROOM, where you will be kept up to the minute on many key issues six days every week. You can find it live on Real America's Voice and in podcast form on just about any podcast service.
Like the bulk of people who are paying attention, I grew uneasy at the approach of the November 3, 2020 presidential election. There was a smugness among certain Democrats that just did not comport with the crash-test-dummy level of competence of their presidential candidate and his farcical campaign. Based on the enthusiasm factor alone, this election was headed toward a blow-out for Donald Trump. Returns and reports on the evening of November 3 reinforced confidence in his election. But then the mysterious events began to happen that are now well-known: simultaneously stopped voting in key states, late counting of an amazing number of ballots, reports coming in from all over of widespread irregularities. Thanks to an army of real American patriots, it is all now being documented and on the way to being fully exposed. Joe Biden is not the duly-elected President of the United States. Donald Trump is, and this must be rectified.
On top of that I was watching the proceedings of congress live on C-Span on January 6 when the disruption began to happen. I continued watching a variety of live TV news coverage of the whole event. My impression then was that a vastly peaceful crowd had a few very suspect instigators making something of a ruckus at the Capitol entrance and were clearly being accommodated by the Capitol Police, even moving barricades in what looked like permission being given to move closer. Live coverage by C-Span showed very peaceful people strolling through the capitol halls. Except for the breaking of windows by a few people who ought to be charged and held responsible, there wasn't a hint of violent attitudes or actions. Blatant stupidity, yes, but nothing to compare to the BLM/Antifa riots that were encouraged and permitted to go on for months.
The second I heard the Democrats and media start using terms like 'insurrection' and 'uprising', I knew what had happened. There was a massive plan at work that not only accomplished a sophisticated steal of the election, but set up a psy-ops plan creating a narrative that Trump was lying about the steal and inciting a popular revolt. The Democrats were so proud of this grand game plan that within a month they published nearly a full expose about it in Time magazine.
At first I was heartened by comments from highly credible people like Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Steve Bannon, John Fredericks, Mike Lindell and a chorus of others who were calling for a time-out because of the fraud that was already obvious. It looked like constitutional and legislative steps were being mounted with good energy. However, as courts began to slap away challenges without even hearing the evidence, and as national and state REPUBLICAN officials took the first opportunity to cave in to this fraud and turn their back on President Trump, I knew we were in big trouble. Suddenly I understood the freakish reaction Hillary had to her loss to Donald Trump in 2014. They had assured her that the fix was in then as well, but Trump's victory overwhelmed their plan. The Democrats had subsequently spent four years making sure they could pull this off no matter what, and even then Donald's momentum was so strong that it blew the circuits in their plan, which is why the vote counting had to be called off in the middle of the night. This is what exposed the fraud and has laid the groundwork for a massive state-by-state forensic audit movement to arise.
I am just an average citizen, but I am one who has paid close attention to political, social and cultural issues for many years. Never have I seen such a situation arise in our country where there was so blatantly an attempt not only to steal an election, but to set up an election fraud system whereby every future election could be secured for the one party. This is as devastating to our nation in its own way as an early-warning alert of a nuclear attack. Red flags and alarm bells started going off for me all over the place. Out of complete frustration I sent a five-page letter to my congressman, with whom I am acquainted, something I have never done before. I have also stayed riveted to Steve Bannon's WarRoom. He and his team took up the charge to lay open this fraud and mount a counter-attack. In my opinion, while many sources out there are trying to do something in their own way, the WarRoom emerged as the ONLY source that was effectively uniting, activating and empowering these voices and those of thousands of patriots throughout the country who have answered the call to step into this battle.
After listening to the WarRoom for awhile, along with a few other sources I check regularly, I realized that I needed a way to collect all the great connections that I was being introduced to. I started bookmarking websites, articles and podcasts. Eventually it occurred to me that it would be good to have a website that wouldn't be another organization but would be a place to list and organize organizations, podcast, news sources, etc. So that is what StreetLevelRepublican.com is designed to be.
Since the U.S. constitution was established on March 4, 1789, we have elected and entrusted a small body of officials to deliberate and make wise decisions in the best interest of the country. Whether that trust has been honored and maintained by our leaders has to be seriously questioned given the mess in which we currently find ourselves. We have expected them to do their jobs so we can carry on doing ours. A few have stood heroically for constitutional principles. Way too many have let the globalist, collectivist elite get a hook in their nose and lead them down paths that have undermined our national sovereignty and security. We have come to a point where our Republic is endangered on multiple fronts.
If we are going to repair and maintain a properly functioning Constitutional Republic -- the most freedom-producing form of government known to the human race -- then we need to win masses of voters and voices to the cause which is being led by conservative, populist, nationalist Constitutional Republicans. This movement was initiated and galvanized by President Trump.
In just four years Donald Trump had this nation on an upswing trajectory that was gaining tremendous momentum toward solving our nation's problems. For some force or forces behind the scenes, it was paramount at all costs for Trump's successes to be stopped and our nation plunged into a mind-boggling, stupefying self-destruct mode, plain for all the world to see: unrestrained illegal immigrant invasion, Middle East conflict, destroying our economy by paying people to sit at home, Covid lockdowns, Afghanistan cut-and-run abandonment, caving in to China's intimidation, attempts at legislation for unrestrained government spending, taxing, national vote-rigging, and on and on.
The obvious question is, WHY? Who would willingly want to see our country humiliated and destroyed like this? Obviously the Democrat Party is the instrument at work, but can this really be their desire, or is there an even darker agenda operating behind and through them? The populist/nationalist movement intends to find out and stop it. We are not going to let the 3 November coup d'état stand without furious resistance. The 2020 fraudulent election must be overturned as the first order of importance, with President Trump and all other duly-elected officials restored immediately to their rightfully elected offices.
If the guys in the marble-clad buildings of this nation are not going to man their stations with enough principles and courage to take on this mission, then it is left to the common citizen to do the same kind of house-cleaning that our fore-fathers did beginning in 1776. The time has come for regular, everyday citizens of this Republic to restore the integrity and common sense that apparently is only understood at the street level where we live.
This website will give you many resources to help you find your place in this mission, but the TOP RECOMMENDED RESOURCE IS STEVE BANNON'S WARROOM, where you will be kept up to the minute on many key issues six days every week. You can find it live on Real America's Voice and in podcast form on just about any podcast service.
"When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty" --- Thomas Jefferson