The four years of Donald Trump's presidency had an unprecedented effect upon reclaiming and rebuilding the heart of the American Idea. On November 3, 2020 the Democrats grabbed the wheel with a massively sophisticated fraudulent scheme, self-exposed in this Time magazine article, and which is now being systematically documented through full-state forensic audits. They immediately sent our nation and the world down a gully-wash that is headed for a steep and catastrophic drop-off. This must stop and the legitimately-elected President and other officials must be reinstated with all due speed before the damage is irretrievable.
There are many issues involved which seem like separate matters, but which I believe are all inter-related. Each of these is crucial to deal with, but I agree with those who have come to believe that three of them are absolutely top-priority. You will find background information on these critical issues by clicking these links:
There are many issues involved which seem like separate matters, but which I believe are all inter-related. Each of these is crucial to deal with, but I agree with those who have come to believe that three of them are absolutely top-priority. You will find background information on these critical issues by clicking these links:
Not only have very destruction governing actions (or inactions) been put into place in the United States. There is a very strange and obvious move afoot to seize control of nations around the world through means of the CCP Virus Pandemic. The use of lockdowns, untested genetic manipulation therapies being pawned off as vaccines, vaccination passports, a unified media narrative and censorship/cancellation of opposing voices has become beyond Orwellian in magnitude.
These and other crucial matters are listed on the ISSUES page.
This website is designed as a resource for the everyday citizen to have a convenient spot to gain both information and means to action.
What can the 'little guy' do, you may ask yourself? (Actually I subscribe to the concept that there are no 'little people'). EVERYONE in a Constitutional Republic is vested as an empowered citizen and has an impact when they take action. This grows out of a biblical understanding that every human is created in the image of God, and therefore has incredible purpose and potential.
This website is intended as a resource to expand your knowledge, your resources, your connections and your reach, in terms of engaging your rights to action as an American Citizen.
These and other crucial matters are listed on the ISSUES page.
This website is designed as a resource for the everyday citizen to have a convenient spot to gain both information and means to action.
What can the 'little guy' do, you may ask yourself? (Actually I subscribe to the concept that there are no 'little people'). EVERYONE in a Constitutional Republic is vested as an empowered citizen and has an impact when they take action. This grows out of a biblical understanding that every human is created in the image of God, and therefore has incredible purpose and potential.
This website is intended as a resource to expand your knowledge, your resources, your connections and your reach, in terms of engaging your rights to action as an American Citizen.
My name is Grant Fox, and I am simply a concerned citizen just like you. As creator and editor of this website, I have built its structure with the goal of providing a catalogue of the voices who are rising in resistance to the encroaching tentacles of globalist collectivism, as well as the fraudulent election of 2020, which I believe rises to the level of a coup d'état. I have organized links to every credible source I have found which provides context and information for this cause. As more are discovered they are added and suggestions for inclusion are welcome. (Contact me here). In addition, this site will grow to include helpful content from others interested in expanding into a team of contributors.
By way of background, my post-high school education began with a 6-week study tour of seven countries in Europe on a scholarship with the Foreign Study League. I returned to study for two years in an undergraduate pre-law curriculum at the University of Kentucky, but ultimately transferred to Liberty University and received a B.S. in Religion. From Dallas Theological Seminary, I hold a Th.M. in Systematic Theology. During a hiatus from seminary I lived in Brazil for six months in a small town in the southern state of Sao Paulo. I did several semesters of post-graduate study in the UK Graduate School of Philosophy. I spent 35 years in pastoral ministry within Southern Baptist and C&MA circles. Those years included extensive involvement with homeless, recovery and prison ministries along with full-time pastoral ministry that included music, preaching, teaching, counseling and church administration. Now retired, I own and operate a small media company.
By way of background, my post-high school education began with a 6-week study tour of seven countries in Europe on a scholarship with the Foreign Study League. I returned to study for two years in an undergraduate pre-law curriculum at the University of Kentucky, but ultimately transferred to Liberty University and received a B.S. in Religion. From Dallas Theological Seminary, I hold a Th.M. in Systematic Theology. During a hiatus from seminary I lived in Brazil for six months in a small town in the southern state of Sao Paulo. I did several semesters of post-graduate study in the UK Graduate School of Philosophy. I spent 35 years in pastoral ministry within Southern Baptist and C&MA circles. Those years included extensive involvement with homeless, recovery and prison ministries along with full-time pastoral ministry that included music, preaching, teaching, counseling and church administration. Now retired, I own and operate a small media company.